Actually, I'm just on the verge of this. After spending six days at the hospital taking care of my daddy and sister (they're both ok), I'm at loose ends. When I finish this post, I'm going to sit down with my Hip Household Organizer (see previous post) and try to make a good list. Have I told you I'm a list maker? I'm sure I have a thousand lists all through the house. I even have a little post-it note on my computer desktop. An image, not the paper thing.
I slept till 10 this morning, so am feeling rested and as soon as I can get my thoughts organized, I'll be fine.
Strange thing, I was just about to say I was hoping for snow and I looked outside, and what do I see, but snow falling! I could use being stranded at home for a couple of days. I'm supposed to go to a crop at Archiver's with Diana tonight, but if the snow accumulates, I won't go. I haven't even checked the weather reports this morning. My friend Mary and her family are headed to San Antonio for spring break. I hope they won't have any trouble traveling. Her husband is fearless, so I'm sure it won't deter them. He went with their son to Philmont last summer. It's the big Boy Scout camp. It's the real deal when it comes to roughing it. They hike for miles and miles in the mountains with only a backpack. No rest stops with toilets and showers and real food (well maybe one along the way). Well, I'm really wandering with this post. I'll have to get her to remind me of some of the very interesting details and do a whole post on it later.
Back to snow - school's out for spring break today, so no worries about going anywhere or kiddo driving in this.
Ok, I'm finishing up here and sitting down to get organized. Happy Snow Day!!!
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