Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What's a Blog?

Prepare to be amazed. This is by far my favorite blog of the moment!

Beautiful, step-by-step photos of decadent food. I promise you'll be hooked.

I've had several friends say they don't really understand blogs (after reading mine, no less!). Here's my definition: A blog (short for web-log) is an on-line diary of sorts. There are a limitless number of blog types, since they are unedited personal expressions. Sometimes the blogs are associated with a website. The number of blogs has increased exponentially due to easy-to-use, free sites like which make it very easy for the average computer user to self-publish on the web. I started blogging a couple of years ago out of a desire to share pictures of Evans on-line with his grandparents who live out of town. My inaugural post on this blog explains my purpose here. I've been exploring quite a bit lately, and have found the best blogs (like Pioneer Woman, above) by looking at the favorite blogs listed on my favorite blogs. Note to self: add a list of my favorite blogs along the side of this one. If you're interested in finding blogs you like, start with the website for a magazine in your area of interest (mine was Creating Keepsakes). They will be quality blogs, i.e. no weird stuff. Another way is to look at Blogs of Interest on, although they will cover a much broader range of subjects.

Great blogs will have lots and lots of comments, a reflection of a large readership. It is safe to leave comments since your email address will not be displayed, although you will have to enter it.

When you have your own blog, it's good to monitor comments (you can be emailed as they are posted). I hear you can wind up with strange things if you don't. I've decided that good photos really help make a blog good - lots of them are devoted to photography, so keep that in mind if you decide to join blog-world. To my friends, I'll be glad to get you started if you'd like my help.

I tend to go on blog searching sprees, bookmark ones I like, then come back to them later. I'm probably following 5 or 6 blogs regularly. The first blog I ever read is Lundy's:

She always has fun, crazy, strange, informative posts, as well as lots of newsy ones about what's going on in her life.

I hope this helps. Happy blogging!

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