I have a theme for this post. Poultry. First, the title comes from spending time with my cousins in Covington, KY (across the river from Cincy). They would say "What's up?" to which I'd reply "What?" Their answer, of course, was "Chicken Butt!" Maybe it was a regional thing. I don't know, but for some reason, thought of it today.
Maybe that's why my new fave blog - Pioneer Woman Cooks - inspired me to actually cook tonight. My results were wonderful. My prediction, based on this happy experience, is that chicken wings are not for long. Legs will knock them out of their place of honor. I told my son to think of them as chicken wings on steriods. To which he replied, "Isn't that a bad thing?" Kids are so literal. But of course, all chicken that's not organic is loaded with steriods, I'm sure. But I digress.
He's doing homework, so I don't have the Hungry Teenager's Seal of Approval yet, but the 46 year old mother of said teenager has fallen in love! With the chicken legs! Amazing. And easy. I will tell all my friends who are MHTBs (Moms of Hungry Teenage Boys). Better yet, I'll tell them to check my blog, which will send them to my new blog-crush, Pioneer Woman.
I need to figure out how to get her permission - hope she won't mind! Help, Lundy!! Even though my last post might have given the impression that I'm a blog expert, I'm still figuring out how it all works. Clearly I should limit myself to taking pictures of food and maybe doing a little laundry in between. That reminds me, I'm so in love with my Gorillapod.
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