What a day. As I sit down to write this post, my Pandora station is playing one of my favorite songs - Anna Nalick's Wreck of the Day. The cherry on top is that the cat just threw up. Seriously, just this minute. I'm not making that up. Here's how my day went.
On my way to a business meeting (for which I was running late), got a call that the meeting was cancelled. That's ok. Forget that I could have easily slept another hour. Took advantage of extra time to call the company from which we bought our iron doors to get the back door repaired. That's a very long story - worthy of its own blog post, but suffice it to say I was hoodwinked and the repair guy got fired (or so the owner of the company said). Will explain in another post, to be titled "Caveat Emptor."
Next, the man who was supposed to come measure kitchen floor and bring tile samples at 2:00 never showed. After I called to inquire of his whereabouts, he called to say his basement was full of water and his heat was out, and he'd see me Thursday. That's ok.
Went to pick up prescriptions, and one of the refills was missing, natch. Just a few extra minutes' wait. Then headed out to door repair place for hoodwink-related refund, and drove past - easy to do on Summer Avenue.
Made it back home, with refund (a good thing). I feel like I'm in a John Grisham novel - the paranoid protaganist, running from the Mafia. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder for the supposedly now-unemployed repairman. Thought I saw a black pickup pull away as I drove up our street. I'm jumping every time I hear a real or imaginary car door shut. After all, he has my name, address, phone number and bank account information (from check I wrote).
On top of that, the weather is appropriately gray and dreary.
Gotta run - time to check on bread in the oven. My day's taking a better turn. I have to say, there have been times when this series of unfortunate events would have done a number on me, but amazingly, I'm ok. But then I have the aroma of baking bread to comfort me!
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