Anyone who knows me will totally ignore this post - who am I to give exercise tips! Bear with me - I think this is good advice. When I saw my good friend Angie Hamilton at Christmas, we made a pact to walk the half-marathon in December 2008. We walked in the 2006 St. Jude half-marathon - 13.1 miles. Yesterday, I thought of our pact and decided to take a good, brisk walk. I would have stopped after a mile or two, but I employed my fool-proof method to ensure a longer walk. I just walk directly away from my house until I've gone half my goal distance. It never fails me. I have to get back home. I do take my cell phone in case of a twisted ankle or dog attack, but so far have never used it. I came close a couple of times in the 100+ degree temperatures last summer. I had to ask for a water-bottle refill from a brave soul who was working outside in his yard (on my route) one day! I walked four miles yesterday - first time in several months to come anywhere near this distance. I will have to get serious in September. There's a scientific three month training schedule. For the 2006 marathon, I don't think I had ever really walked more than 9 miles at one time, but I managed to make the 13 miles in three and one half hours - a respectable 16 minute mile on average. I just thought of something funny. I made one port-a-potty stop and it was clear that every one was in a hurry because, suffice it to say, the potty was EXTRA messy - if that's possible.
I have lots of fond, funny, pleasant memories of that experience. It was a real challenge.
I used my new tripod for the photo of my running shoes. It's smaller than you'd think, but very nice and sturdy - I think I love it! Another photo tip is to get on the level of your subject. This small tripod was great for that.
After watching The Bucket List this weekend, I've been thinking a little about things I want to accomplish. I think the half-marathon is a good thing, even though I've already done it. I don't see myself ever aspiring to the full marathon - I just don't think it's healthy - not for this body, at least! I think my trip to Brazil in the spring will be a life-changing experience. I've looked at 1000 Places to See Before You Die - same idea, but it's totally overwhelming. I think it would be better if they did 10 places and really spent some time talking about them. Of course, the Travel Channel is a great way to visit lots of places on a trial basis.
Let me know what you'd put on your Bucket List (things to do if you knew you were going to Kick the Bucket). I'd love to know!
Great photo. I was looking all around them tho for low spots in your kitchen floor :o)
I am walking to the refrigerator tonight, cold beer dontchaknow. That is about IT.
I always feel tons better when I am in shape. I suppose that will be on my bucket list, get back in shape B4 I die. I had better get started, might do my Cher tape tonight...
@ anonymous,
Seriously, would you get in shape if you just had a year to live? I would get as fat as possible!
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