Friday, January 4, 2008

Sweet Potato Queens

I think I've discovered the cookbook for me. It's called The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-Ass Cookbook (and Financial Planner) by Jill Conner Browne. I have been laughing out loud. I found this at the library yesterday and coincidentally found out that she's coming to Davis Kidd this Sunday (the 6th) at 3:00 pm for a signing of her newest book - The Sweet Potato Queens' Guide to Raising Children for Fun & Profit. I just might plan to go!

I have to quote from the cookbook - it's just too funny:

"Recently we have noted with interest the trendy new job of Lifestyle Coach. This is somebody (who received on-line training from the absolute genuis who thought it up) you pay five hundred dollars an hour to tell you what, in their opinion, it is you ought to do in any given situation. Oh, hey, is this the job for me, or what? I always know what other people ought to be doing in any given situation. Always. I can't think of an exception right offhand. And here, all my adult life, I've been telling everybody what they ought to be doing in any given situation, and I've been doing it for free. And what's more, they didn't even have to ask me what, in my opinion, they ought to be doing. My sister has been providing the same service for all of her friends and acquaintances as well - and likewise, unsolicited and gratis. We are considering billing them all retroactively."

Anyone who knows Lundy and me will laugh at this, too! Maybe that's why we love the idea of starting the MomsLeap website. It's an opportunity to do Lifestyle Coaching. Maybe we should offer an on-line degree in Lifestyle Coaching. Let me know if you're interested in this, and more importantly, what you'd be willing to pay for this degree. We could do a really nice certificate, suitable for framing. If Lundy could stop building hurricane-proof houses and managing her various businesses (she's really busy with tax stuff), we could get this up and going! In the meantime, if you want to be entertained, take a look at her blog: I promise you, you will learn something new and interesting. It's good fuel for small talk at cocktail parties.

When I see the Queen Sunday at her book signing, I'll ask her permission to post one or two of her recipes here, and if she says ok, I'll share them with you - they have funny names and look very easy. Maybe I'll even review her new book here.

All for now.


Anonymous said...

Celebrities must be sweeping thru the South...Jill Conner Brown in Memphis and guess who was in Mobile today, none other than Jerrit, or is it Jared, yep I think that is it. They showed him signing autographs on a piece of paper that had before and after photos. I am sure our grandchildren will be lying on the sofa watching Antiques Roadshow when someone will present a signed , illustrated document about Jared for evaluation. They will say that they think he lost all this weight working to build mass transit systems--Subways...and the guy will agree, that in the old days it WAS hard, heavy work....and what a wonder that this document survived.

Carol said...

@ jenny,

Hi Jen,
Good to have your comments. I've been thinking of coming to see you to get these holiday pounds off. Not just Christmas - Halloween, Labor day, 4th of July, Valentine's day - you name it!

I think Jared has been good for Subway, but of course, you have Valerie and Kirstie. Who doesn't love Valerie!

Happy new year - I'm sure this is your busy time!