Since I have nothing I must do today, I'm going to head to Archivers as soon as I can get all my stuff together. I'm going early to work in their great workspace. The Mania (their word for group scrapbooking session) goes from 5:00 to 11:00, so will do that, too, but might not stay till the end. I come home so keyed up and it takes me a couple of hours to wind down. They really are fun, though, and my friend Diana who works there, is the hostess. I tease her mercilessly because on one of her evaluations forms, one of the attendees told her to "get a personality." If you know Diana, you know she has a great personality and a highly developed sense of humor. Well, you can't please everyone.
Archiver's is a place to consider for birthday parties or Girl Scouts meetings. Check my link to the side and click it for the Memphis store's calendar of events. Did you know there's a Scrapbooking Badge now? More about Scouting in another post.
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