For anyone else out there who's a fan of House and missed it last night from all the weather reporting, it'll be on after the 9:00 Fox 13 news tonight. It's a new episode - a rare thing with the dreadful writer's strike. I love Hugh Laurie's character - he is so funny in a very clever, sarcastic way. Did you know he's a Brit? Every once in a while he slips and you can hear his accent in a word or two. I read that Hollywood is using more Brits and Aussies because they will work for less. Isn't that a reflection of the global markets? Anyone had trouble understanding a foreign accent when calling tech support? They should give you three options at the beginning of the phone tree - push one for English, dos por Espanol, and thrayee for Suuuthern! Because the automated attendant (robot?) DOES NOT understand Southern! Lundy said she was having to scream NO over and over to on the phone in the library at the Village of Germantown today when she was trying to get her airline reservations straightened out. She said HELL NO! didn't help.
Am I the only one going through tv withdrawal and reality tv overload? It is like junk food for the mind and I'm powerless over it. I won't begin to confess the stupid shows I've watched. If you just watch The Soup on E! Entertainment, you'll see everything you need to see from the whole week in just 22 minutes (if you DVR or Tivo it). It is the only show that makes me laugh out loud. Joel McHale is hilarious and he does a great job of pointing out just how ludicrous this stuff is.
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