For those of you new to the world of blogging (see previous post - "What's a Blog?"), I want to talk about my newest favorite blog (I still love you, Pioneer Woman!) I've added the link at left - it's called "Just Us." This is probably the first blog, besides Lundy's, I started reading regularly. I was reading Creating Keepsakes, my favorite scrapbook magazine, and found the reference to this blog. Elizabeth (author of "Just Us" blog) is the Scrapbooker of the Year (SOY), a huge honor in SB World. I should back up and tell you that many of the blogs endorsed/accompanying a magazine are very dull and just serve a promotional function for the magazine. They're seldom updated. More and more, I'm reading that frequent updates are the key to a thriving blog.
I digress. I clicked on "Just Us" and was pleasantly surprised. Elizabeth posts nearly every day and she always includes beautiful photos, often of her scrapbook work, but sometimes just great people pictures or other fun stuff. She's so original and beautiful and downright sweet, not unlike Pioneer Woman.
Elizabeth also includes music on her blog. That can be irritating if you don't share similar musical interests. It interferes with any streaming music if you do that. It turns out that I like Elizabeth's musical choices better than my own! If you don't know about Pandora.com, try it sometime. It's like a radio station that you tailor to what you like. It's too hard to explain in this post, but really a simple, brilliant concept. I'll add the link to Favorite Links at left, in case you want to try it. Warning: It uses band-width. My friend Keith explained that to me when I joyfully showed him my work-place fun with Pandora. The place in which we were working used a borrowed wireless connection and I was unwittingly turning the friendly neighbor's "high-speed internet" into "a stroll in the park internet" connection. All that to say, when it's just me here at home, I pull out all the stops and stream whatever music I like, usually the "Just Us" playlist.
Ok, all that to say, take a look at "Just Us" - it's worth your time!
1 comment:
We're glad you enjoy Pandora, Carol!
Thanks for listening,
- Lucia, from Pandora
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